
  商品編號: 26890
  商品名稱: Digital Tutors Unity Mobile Game Development Saving Data and Highscores 遊戲開發教學 英文版
  語系版本: 繁體中文
  運行平台: Windows
  更新日期: 2019-01-02
  光碟片數: 1片
  銷售價格: $200元
Digital Tutors Unity Mobile Game Development Saving Data and Highscores 遊戲開發教學 英文版

HoneRiSO Apps 
軟體名稱: Digital Tutors Unity Mobile Game Development Saving Data and Highscores 
語系版本: 英文版 
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD) 
保護種類: 無保護 
破解說明: 無 
系統支援: 適用所有支援播放 MP4(MPEG-4) 影片的作業系統 
硬體需求: 適用所有支援播放 MP4(MPEG-4) 影片的作業系統 
軟體類型: 遊戲開發教學 
更新日期: 2013.11.05 
軟體發行: Digital Tutors(k.EISO) 
官方網站: http://www.digitaltutors.com/tutorial/608-Unity-Mobile-Game-Development-Saving-Data-and-Highscores 
中文網站: 無 
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準) 
由 Digital Tutors 教學網站所推出的教學↓ 
Unity Mobile Game Development Saving Data and Highscores 
Chris Glick 
Unity 3.4 
3 小時 34 分鐘 
1. Introduction and project overview 
2. Examining our start scene and the scripts that are included 
3. Consulting our game design document to begin our script 
4. Using a GUI.Box function to draw our first highscore 
5. Using a Vector2 to offset our text placement for control 
6. Automatically centering our text using our Location class 
7. Creating a new GUI Style to format our text 
8. Using a built-in array to store multiple pieces of data 
9. Displaying our entire array using a For loop 
10. Adding a height offset to display all our names 
11. Refactoring our arrays into a class for easier organization 
12. Displaying our highscore array correctly over our graphics 
13. Saving game data using PlayerPrefs to store information 
14. Creating a testing interface to set PlayerPrefs data 
15. Synchronizing our PlayerPrefs with our local highscore class 
16. Synchronizing our Rounds and Kills data 
17. Scripting an add new highscore function 
18. Testing if we need to create a new highscore 
19. Moving our highscores down using a reverse For loop 
20. Inserting our highscores into our data correctly 
21. Letting the player enter their name using a GUI.TextField 
22. Using GUI.color to change our highscore text colors 
23. Creating flashing text using Mathf.PingPong and GUI.color 
24. Testing our Highscore Display script to find bugs 
25. Tracking game ID’s to make sure we don’t duplicate data 
26. Changing the location of our game ID check to remove bugs 
27. Using the iPhoneKeyboard class to get user input on Android 
28. Saving the PlayerPrefs data to disk in case our game crashes 
29. Using the PreviewLabs PlayerPrefs plugin for speed on mobile 
30. Examining the final game code in reference to the highscore system 